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Creative Ideas for Using Postcards to Promote Your Website

Today’s marketing is no longer a “print vs. digital” concept. Originally, when digital marketing began growing by leaps and bounds, some small business owners completely dropped their print campaigns to focus solely on online marketing. Big brands too seemed to favor digital advertising even though they never fully moved away from print ads.

Both large and small companies alike, however, are realizing today the importance of integrating print and digital campaigns, especially when it comes to direct mail print marketing. In fact, an infographic from PrintPlace points out that email marketing has a response rate of 0.12% compared to the 3.4% response rate from direct mail campaigns such as with postcards. Plus for postcard printing and mailing, it costs about $54 per new customer, but email campaigns run about $55 for every new customer gained.

Postcards do not have to be limited for use as an in-store or online coupon, either. There are a number of creative ideas you can take advantage of for leading both current and new customers to your website.

Creating a contest that will get your target audience excited and involved with your company is both a lot of fun and also a highly effective way to get recipients on your website. Just make sure that the contest is relevant to your prospects and customers and the prize is worth their time. Also, be sure that your requirement for getting involved is that they visit a page on your website that you specifically built for your contest. This is where a QR code and an easy to remember URL can help encourage recipients to take action.
Some ideas for contests include:

• Getting your audience involved in submitting or voting on brand or marketing designs.
• Uploading pictures of creative uses with one of your products.
• Providing a new tagline for the company.
• Submitting a “theme” song for your company to use for a promotional video.
• Sending ideas for improvements on a certain product.
• Voting on a gift to give to a charity.

Everyone loves to be invited to a party, especially if the party involves free gifts and door prizes. But you don’t have to throw an actual physical party; instead use postcards as an invitation to a party on your website. You can either make this a week-long party, an all-day party, a party that last for a certain number of hours, or whatever time-frame works for your goals. Again make it easy to “attend” the party with a QR code and unique URL for the party page on your website.

Some ideas for hosting an online party include:

• Require attendees to complete a scavenger hunt in which they have to re-Pin a certain Pinterest post, Retweet on Twitter, leave a comment on one of your blog posts, etc.
• Give prizes for the first 50, 100, etc. attendees on your website the first day of the party.
• Give users a number of “games” from which to choose in which they win certain prizes, such as a completing a survey, the scavenger hunt, or a quiz that requires them to search for answers on your website.

Creative Postcard Designs
No matter how you use your postcards to get prospects and customers on your site, make sure that your design remains simple and the message clear. A headline that makes an offer, your company logo and possibly other contact information, a captivating image or two, a call to action, and possibly a few extra details to better explain your offer are all you need. With postcards, the simpler the design, the better since you want recipients to be able to read and get the basics of your message in a single glance.

Postcards are an excellent way to get customers and prospects to visit your website. Brainstorm and get creative with ways to get customers involved and excited to visit you online. In fact, you may discover that customers start looking forward to receiving your postcards in the mail and, in return, become loyal brand followers that promote your company to friends and family.

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