Get more leads for free

PlanetSoho helps you increase your online visibility and helps you get in touch with people who are interested in your products or services.

Getting new customers is one of the top concerns of small and micro-businesses. The PlanetSoho lead-management tools help you find potential clients and turn them into actual clients.

Every business that joins PlanetSoho gets a free listing in the PlanetSoho Directory. You can customize the page to tell the world about your business and link to anywhere you have web presence (website, blog, social media pages, eBay, Etsy, etc.). Your directory listing makes you more visible online and helps improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

Your listing also contains a contact form that viewers can fill out to learn more about you. Whenever people fill out the form, they'll automatically be added to your contact list as a lead. You can easily send your leads estimates, and you can turn leads into clients with one click.

PlanetSoho also offers a free Leads Widget that can help you generate leads from your other web pages.

Get more visibility and get more leads with PlanetSoho.

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