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Is Your Early-Stage Business Ready For Paperless Invoicing? 3 Ways to Make the Change

As an owner of an early-stage business, you may find that sending invoices takes longer than you would like. You may have heard of ‘paperless’ invoicing, but are unsure of how it works. After all, if you have clients that demand printed invoices, how could...

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Starting Your Own Business: It’s All About Confidence

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Social Technologies: More than Just Marketing

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Matching Resources with Strategy: A How-To Guide

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Working from Home? Not if You’re a Yahoo

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Shopper Solution: A New Approach to Retail Marketing

It is known to all that the retail...

Introducing Generation C: How Will the Connected Generation Change the Business World?

I recently wrote here about multigenerational marketing and...

When Are Discount Vouchers Good for Small Businesses?

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There Is Something in the Water in the San Francisco Bay Area

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Aha! Moment: How Creativity Really Works

Not so long ago in a post about...

Institutions vs. Collaboration

Every once in a while I find myself...

Are You Entrepreneurially Oriented?

Entrepreneurship research is becoming a significant stream in...