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Starting Your Own Business: It’s All About Confidence

What makes certain people become entrepreneurs despite the risk and immense responsibility it entails? Some say it’s genetics; others suggest it’s related to education, personal characteristics, or past work experience. Whichever way, this question is a hard one to answer, and that is probably the...

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Is Income Inequality Inevitable?

Income inequality is one of the most talked...

Understanding the Ultra-Connected Consumer

In August, leading research company Forrester introduced the...

How to Win a Government Contract

Recent research conducted by the American Small Business...

DARE TO BE EXPOSED As The Success You Really Are

I was a late bloomer. I am talking...

The Post-Recession Consumer Is Here to Stay

Economic reforms implemented by the government and the...

Education for Entrepreneurs: Yes or No?

Think back to your post-college days. You were...

Announcing Our Invoicing Contest Winners

SohoOS just wrapped up a fun contest: we...

Augmented Economy: Digitalization Is Here to Stay

Many feel like technology has taken over their...

Who Are You, Post-Recession Consumer?

While the economic downturn clearly had a significant...

Women Entrepreneurs: Are They Any Different Than Men?

Despite recent gains, women still lag behind men...

Going Beyond Borders: Introducing the Born Global Entrepreneur

In 1993 consulting firm McKinsey & Company identified...