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Conscious Choice Media


Changing our planet's consciousness through business

Business Info
3211 Harris St, Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA3211 Harris StLemon Grove, California 91945United States
Conscious Choice Media
Business Description

Our goal at CCM is to gather information from you to inform us of all aspects of your desired outcome. We will then ask you to offer us the flexibility to create the most functional website with the best chance to achieve the highest conversion ratio for profitability, while holding as close to your desired vision as that allows. This gives you the best opportunity to have a powerful impact on your company's bottom line.
Your website should give visitors the real feel of your services or products as soon as the browser window opens, and lead them seamlessly through the pages to exactly what you have to offer. This step is a critical creative process where we work directly with you to achieve both great esthetics and seamless functionality. Clean, engaging graphics and relevant, inviting content is critical. It is also strongly recommended that your site include a video on your home page because this feature is highly favored by the major search engines and increases conversions to the next step, in some cases, by as much as 60%. That's a huge impact.
Web development involves all of the systems and content which are designed to create smooth functionality and get you recognized and ranked by the major search engines. This is the bones of your website and a most important aspect of your web presence

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