Fly in Safari Co. Pty. Ltd

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The Fly in Safari Company is a tour operator based in South Africa and offers luxury, guided and independent small group tours to Southern and East Africa.

Business Info
Contact Name:
Fly in Safari Co. Pty. Ltd
95 Bree Street, Parys, Free State, South Africa95 Bree StParys, Free State 9585South Africa
+27 56 811 5138
086 531 9090
Business Description

The Fly in Safari Company is a tour operator based in South Africa and offers luxury, guided and independent small group tours to the wilderness areas of Southern and East Africa with a strong emphasis on wildlife, nature and adventure. We are a team of creative and experienced professional explorers. The Fly in Safari Company offers a personalized service and treats each client as an individual. We focus on small group tours exclusively so that each client can have a personalized tour. With many years of experience in travel, marketing, safari, exploration, professional guiding and logistics management, we have designed our own unique safari styles to cater for anyone who wants to experience Africa. Our safaris are truly revolutionary!

The Fly in Safari Company is also a mobile operating specialist that operates in Southern Africa and specializes in various gear tests, whether it is in remote locations or in cities. With over 20 years experience in Africa in especially the tourism and film sectors, we have gained a lot of expertise when it comes to catering in remote areas, logistical support and destination management. For many years we have been the preferred logistics management company for outdoor and sporting goods giant, Quechua, to run the logistics management for their annual gear tests in South Africa.

Whichever safari style you choose, it will leave you inspired and enriched about Africa.

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