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Fruit Day - Fruit bouquets

Food & Beverages

Gift your loved ones a fruit bouquet.
Suitable for all occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, festivals, get-together, new year, Christmas, return gifts

Business Info
Bangalore, Karnataka, India Bangalore, Karnataka India
Fruit Day
Business Description

How about giving a fresh…sweet…unique…mmm - loving fruit bouquets to your loved and dear ones. Certainly true, this is whole new experience. Fruit bouquets must be a satisfying experience for the cost you pay for the bouquets.

They are tagged for special occasion like valentine’s days, birthdays, wedding, thank you gifts, congratulations and business related used such as client gifts and appreciations.

Our bouquets are made fresh premium fruits like strawberries, pineapple, melons, oranges, apples, kiwi and much more, with toppings like chocolate and nuts arranged in varieties of display.

All our bouquets come in a hand woven cane baskets; or ceramic/plastic containers. We took our own photos to create mouth-watering shots for customers.

Each bouquet is made to order and the order should be placed at least one day before the delivery. These bouquets are made in hygiene conditions and are delivered in closed packing.

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