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Life Insurance


we understand need for protection alongwith a secure future. We bring to you a wide array of insurance - investment plans which help you, secure your present and also help in building a batter future.

Business Info
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India Roorkee, Uttarakhand India
Vineet kumar gautam
91 9410393355
91 1332 273517
Business Description

we understand the need for protection along with a secure future. Hence we bring to you a wide array of insurance cum investment plans which help you, secure your present and also help in building a better future.
• Term plans (Protection Plans) – Term insurance plans provide life cover for a specified period of time. Learn how you could work term plans to your advantage
• Wealth plans - Guaranteed Savings Insurance Plan is a limited pay endowment product that allows you to enjoy the benefits of a long term savings plan ensuring that you and your family are free of any financial worries.
• Child plans - As a parent, you would not like to compromise your child's bright career, regardless of the rising cost of education. All you need is a saving’s plan that is designed to provide money at key educational milestones and take care of your loved ones future even if you are not around. Education insurance offers you unique features which ensure that this objective is achieved and it helps in strengthening your child’s dreams.
• Health plans – Designed to ensure that you and your family get the medical treatment whenever you need it. Secure your family now with our health plans.
• Pension plans (Retirement plans) - Our pension plans are designed to ensure that your retirement years truly become your golden years. They will provide you the financial security to pursue your unfulfilled dreams.
• RP – SIP: Every person has a different role to play in different stages of his life. You too will be responsible for many important tasks such as providing best lifestyle to your family, bringing up children with quality education, building assets and so on. Hence you need adequate life insurance cover with a practical savings pattern which will help you in meeting your objectives comfortably.

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