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RedOrbit Publishes News and Content About Science, Space, Technology, and Health.

Business Info
Dallas, TX Dallas, Texas United States
Business Description

The website RedOrbit publishes news and content about science, space, technology, and health. Founder Eric Ralls started building the site in 2002 and launched it the following year. Based in Texas, RedOrbit attracts intellectually curious users from around the world. With over five million unique visitors every month, RedOrbit boasts one of the largest and most distinctive online communities.

RedOrbit’s galleries of photographic images and videos are among its popular features. Users can view photos of the solar system, landmarks, nature scenes, and sporting events along with select “Images of the Day.” They can also download wallpapers for mobile devices and computers. Videos present short clips of daily news and events and longer pieces with more in-depth scientific information. Each day, RedOrbit updates the “Word of the Day,” and “Quote of the Day” and provides an interesting fact about a historical event.

The RedOrbit app allows users to browse the site on their mobile devices, including iPhones and iPads as well as BlackBerry, Android, and Windows Mobile phones. The app is free to download and install. RedOrbit app users receive automatic updates with the latest news and information, and they can also customize their apps to receive only the news that is relevant to their interests.

The RedOrbit app gives users the ability to share photos, videos, and articles on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Each link is optimized for easier viewing on a mobile device. While traveling, app users can also access RedOrbit content offline and save stories and images for later viewing.

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