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S. D Bar Biz Services, LLC

Consumer Goods

Sourcing in demand products both Domestically & Internationally for sale and distribution to Wholesalers and Retailers.

Business Info
El Cajon, CA El Cajon, California United States
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Business Description

My mission is to develop an Import Export Company into a profitable enterprise by sourcing in demand products both domestically and internationally for sale and distribution to major wholesalers and retailers. Concentrating on the Beverage Industry, specifically Wine and Spirits.

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”
– Anonymous

Operating under the trade name Ignite Inc, S.D. Bar Biz Services, LLC Is an Import/Export Brokerage Service and Inventory consultant, specializing in Pour Cost Control, and concentrating on servicing the Beverage Industry. We have secured exclusive contracts or endorsements putting us in a unique position to service this niche firms and their needs. Services Include:

Supplier/buyer identification
Purchasing, contracting and consulting

The primary operations of the business is the acquisition of in demand goods with the intent to export them to overseas countries. as well as the importation of in demand foreign products with the intent to distribute them to wholesalers within the United States. Expansion of this segment of the business includes the use of its currently held Federal "Basic Permit" to Import/Export and wholesale WIne and Spirits.

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