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Shan here.. sharing my story of success

Professional Training & Coaching

Are you looking for the opportunity to work from home and build a platform for your own business?

Are you tired of all the false promises?

I have your solution, YOU just need to take the LEAP

Business Info
Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, Ohio United States
Shannon Lemos
Business Description

I would like to share my story on how I started my own online business and why I feel that it is important to pass it on. I am extremely grateful that I came across this opportunity, for it has allowed me to be home with my family, contribute financially, have a flexible schedule, and the best part ... be my own boss!

Prior to having my 3 boys, I was a commercial photographer and a wardrobe stylist for 10+ years. Let me tell ya, I really loved my career, so it was a really hard decision when I chose to leave that chapter of my life behind, it was just more important to me that I watch my kids grow. My choice however had consequences. Instead of two incomes providing for our family we now had one. Financially, we had to make adjustments to make ends meet. Do I regret my decision? Absolutely not! When one door closes, another door will open. It lead me to the next chapter of my career and one in which I absolutely love for so many reasons.

One day I was wondering how I could make some extra money. I had heard so many stories of others working from home, but yes, I will say it.... I was a skeptic. However, I researched and researched and I kept coming to the same place. The opportunity looked legit, the reviews were all good but, I still had my doubts. I decided to go one step further and I called BBB. To my surprise the work at home opportunity was legit , had fabulous reviews and was ranked in the top 5 that were fraud free.

So, I did it ... I took the LEAP! I can not explain to you how my life has changed for doing so. I am now making realistic income online and I continue to grow financially daily.
Choose to take the leap, I give you my word that I will be your mentor and lead you to sustainable income and a platform for your own business. From day 1 you can make $50 dollars in 50 minutes. Joining is Free and there is ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION to stay. I highly recommend to check it have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

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