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Drop Dead Targets

Sporting Goods

Drop Dead Targets are realistic, 3D zombie targets with a "Kill-Shot" Gore Effect (patent pending).

Business Info
2756 Revere Lane, Chico, CA2756 Revere LnChico, California 95973United States
drop dead targets
Business Description

DROP DEAD TARGETS: The Story, The Legend

The famous zombie hunter Hill Country Roy grew tired of bar room stories about how great a shot this guy thinks he is or how this other guy thinks it'll be so easy to survive a zombie apocalypse. You see, each of these drunk men sitting in the dingy, dark bar have spent their whole lives shooting at big circle bulls-eye targets. They're satisfied with putt
ing a whole in a piece of paper and hoping that hole might slow down a charging new member of the growing undead population. They don't know it yet, but they won't survive the first wave and not many will.

To help combat the unrealistic satisfaction of putting a few holes in a circle, a follower and friend of Hill Country Roy, named Anthony "Meat Hook" Arroyo developed a whole new kind of target.

Meat Hook (and no, you do not want to know how he got that nickname) saw people working on their shot at the gun range who were bored, aimless and sad. He saw them hold the righteous power of a boomstick and not be able to appreciate the significance. He saw lazy shooting. He saw disrespectful shooting. But what he saw the most was a general lack of interest in delivering the boom to the targets at the range. It was then that Drop Dead Targets was born!

Drop Dead Targets is a functional target design that is about to make target shooting fun again. Forget the circles, forget the paper burglars with the black mask over their face, forget it all because we all know where the real threat lies... Zombies.

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