  • Consulting
  • Maintenance
  • Junk Emails
  • Employment Application Form
    1) Create an editable PDF form file. 2) Create employment page with the Application submission form and "thank you" page. 3) Create an email template & configure email notifications
  • Home Page Layout Redesign, new features
    1) Redesign home page content layout 2) Add new elements (awards, featured events)
  • Clean website reinstallation, updates & bug fixes
    (2 attempts because of DB access issue)
  • Espresso Events & Calendar
    1) Version 3 (old version), configuration & customization, bug fixes, featured events, calendar widget. (15,5 hours) 2) Version 4 installation, DB migration, configuration & customization. (13 hours) a) Event registration integration. b) Calendar Integration, Calendar widget. c) Featured Events Widget. d) Create new events + edit existing ones.