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Kveshon Virgin Hair & Salon


Providers of Pure Virgin Hair Extensions of the finest Quality!

Business Info
6860 Arlington Expressway, Jacksonville, FL6860 Arlington ExpyJacksonville, Florida 32211United States
Dorothy Smith
Business Description

KVeshon Virgin Hair & Salon not only offers you Professional styles by Professional "Hair Artist's" But we also carry and sell very high quality Virgin Indian, Malaysian, Brazilian & European Hair Extensions at very affordable prices! We now have a sale on this Pure Virgin hair that can't be beat!!! For Only $98 each you can purchase any length 12"-24". Our Virgin Hair is real hair from one donor that has not been processed, has no animal hair or synthetic fibers. Our Virgin Hair can be lightened, colored and flat ironed. Once you wet the wavy/curly hair after flat ironing the waves will come back. Are you tired of your hair extensions matting after a few weeks? Do you feel like you're wasting your money on lower quality hair? Our Luxury Virgin hair line is long-lasting and of the finest quality. There was a major need for 100% Pure Virgin Hair in Jacksonville, Florida that could be afforded by the average person without a celebrity's budget and Kveshon Virgin Hair & Salon is servicing those needs! Finally Pure Virgin Hair in Jacksonville, Florida... You have to come see it to believe it.

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