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Government Administration

The Home Guards is a voluntary body to supplement the ordinary Police Force in different parts of the State, in relation to the protection of persons, property and public

Business Info
Mumbai Suburban, Maharashtra, India , Maharashtra India
[email protected]
Business Description

The Home Guards is a voluntary body to supplement the ordinary Police Force in different parts of the State, in relation to the protection of persons, property and public safety, and other services to the public they may be called upon to perform.
The Home Guard Organisation was established in Bombay Province in December, 1946, on the orders of the Home Department, Government of Bombay. The Home Guards is a voluntary body to supplement the ordinary Police Force in different parts of the State, in relation to the protection of persons, the security of property and public safety, and other services to the public they may be called upon to perform.
It is essentially a civilian body, nevertheless it is bound by discipline which is of a standard equal to that of any military organization.
A Home Guard is a member of the public, who, in course of time, will be trained to carry out on behalf of his fellow citizens the duty of keeping peace and preventing crime. The ranks of the organization are drawn from the members of the public from all walks of life, high and low without any distinction of caste, creed or community. They all work together, teachers, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, industrial workers, clerks and working girls. They all have one common aim in view, Viz., to shoulder the responsibilities of true citizenship and serve the people.
He should be at all times friendly and helpful, polite and considerate, and must always remember that he is primarily a servant of the public and not of a particular section. He must understand and appreciate that being a Home Guard is a great privilege, and that this privilege carries with it a great responsibility which must be fulfilled efficiently and to the best of his ability. The duties of the Home Guard bring him in close contact with the Police and a close spirit of co-operation has to be developed. A Home Guard

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