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Kale Factory

Food Production

vegan, raw, kale, kale snacks, kale chips, greenola, granola, chips, healthy

Business Info
925 Bergen St, Brooklyn, NY 11238, USA925 Bergen StBrooklyn, New York 11238United States
[email protected]
Business Description

Looking for a tasty, flavorful, healthy snack? You're in the right place!

Our New York Naturals kale chips and snacks are handmade by us in Brooklyn, NY with the highest quality ingredients. Amy Hamberry first started making them in the New York Naturals health food store on Flatbush Avenue in 2008. Customers loved them, and pretty soon the demand was so great, Amy and her husband Joe decided to close the store and open The Kale Factory facility in Crown Heights, Brooklyn neighborhood where we make them today.

Our company is "The Kale Factory" and right now, our only brand is "New York Naturals".

New York Naturals snacks are raw, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and Paleo friendly. They are dehydrated slowly at temperatures below 115 degrees so they are packed with living enzymes and nutrients. Our kale chips and snacks are high in vitamin K and A, iron and fiber. That's Amy to the right at the Blooming Hill farm, one of the local farms we get our kale from.

New York Naturals kale chips and snacks are like a tasty snack that is really a salad! WARNING: They may be addictive!

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