MAS Wrestling - Great Lakes Region

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MAS Wrestling Great Lakes mission is to establish the sport of MAS Wrestling within the Great Lakes Region of the United States including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconson and Michigan.

Business Info
Contact Name:
Regional Chairman - Steve Slater
1970 Breed Hill Ct, Lancaster, OH, USA1970 Breed Hill CourtLancaster, Ohio 43130United States
Business Description

MAS wrestling is an ancient sport from Yakutia (far northern region of the Russian Republic of Sakha). Athletes sit in front of each other, prop their feet against the board that divides the competition arena and pull on a short stick (like a Man o’ Man Deadlift). The athlete that wins the coin toss chooses the stick hold position (internal or external for the first match), and the one who chooses the external hold, shows his position (left or right) and has no right to change it. In second match the grip is reversed/switched (internal/external), and if third math is necessary, another coin toss. The stick must be over the board and parallel to it, hands and fingers are not to overlap. Match starts on Referee’s whistle.

An athlete wins the match if he/his:

pulls (snatches out) the stick;
pulls the opponent over with the stick;
opponent releases a hand (hands);
opponent moves one or two feet over the board higher than knee level; or
opponent gets second caution in single match.

Cautions are given for:

hooking and resting the stick and/or arms against the board and/or toes;
twisting the stick over 90 degrees vertically and horizontally;
re-gripping and twisting the stick before start;
disobeying the Referee’s orders before start;
false start; or
setting feet, body or head against the lateral device fastening the board;
No Contest is declared if:

the stick breaks; or
athletes fall together and are not able to continue the match.
Best two of three matches win the Battle. This is an 8-Man Tournament single Battle elimination with Bonus Points and seeded according to the previous event. Each Battle is best two of three matches, and carry along Bonus Points as follows: Win 2-0 and receive 3 Bonus Points; win 2-1 and receive 2 Bonus Points; lose 1-2 and receive 1 Bonus Point; and lose 0-2 and receive NO Bonus Points.

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