Traffic Resources And Then Some

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Marketing and Advertising

My Bizniz Enterprises, LLC is designed to help those, especially the newbies with traffic resources and Internet Marketing.

Business Info
Contact Name:
Deanna Fisher Owner/Admin
1600 Ashton Rd, Ashton, MD 208611600 Ashton RdAshton-Sandy Spring, Maryland 20861United States
Business Description

My business represents some of the most "Elite" Traffic & Surf Exchanges, Text Ad Exchanges and SafeList Mailer and Private Members SafeList Club. Each of my services are fully owned and operated by Deanna Fisher and Staff. We are dedicated and loyal to our clients. We understand that "Time Is Of The Essence," so we ensure that EVERYONE'S ad's are treated with the utmost diligence and respect. We offer a "Huge" variety of memberships and advertisng packages. Each site has it's own individual membership levels and incentives. However currently, at two of my traffic sites I am running a referral contest. Huge Cash Prizes! First place at both sites is paying $300.00 Cold Hard CASH! 2nd and 3rd place's also offer cash prize winnings. My sites are monitored every hour on the hour! Your ads will "Never" sit in a QUE! There is extra effort put towards contacting clients to welcome them, discuss ad's, suggestions or to say thank you. The lines of communication are very open and we also offer a 24/7 phone line for our clients to use when necessary. Live Customer Service! and are also a brand new and just launched companies. We are excited by the responses and members are consistently keeping us busy. We offer many of the finest Network Solo Ads available. Regular solos, cash solos, cash solo now, list solos, traffic links, navigation links, banner ads, button ads, hotlink ads, header ads, hot header ads and the list goes on and on.......... The new SafeList launched 45 days ago and already has over 2,500+ paid members. It's a private club where all members are paid members. Imagine it, these folks are super eager to see your ads. That's what they have paid for along with being able to run their own ads every day to thousands. That's Right! Send your email to THOUSANDS of paid members DAILY! The one time fee for this service is a measly $12.00 per year. That's it. Join Us Now

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