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SJBB Social Bookmarking site


SJBB is a Page Rank 3 social bookmarking site. It has an Alexa rank of 49000 and over 125000 users. In fact this great site is available for sale. Join to submit your favorite sites.

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United States
SJBB Social Bookmarking site
Business Description

Sjbb levels the playing field for small businesses trying to compete on the online marketplace. Large companies invest millions of dollars into online Search Engine Optimization marketing. It is crucial that you promote your site on a budget to keep up with large businesses . SJBB allows you to submit your sites online for free and gives you a DO follow link. This means you get juice out of every-time you link on SJBB. Lastly, is not only a powerhouse in the industry it is also a .ORG site. Which means it is even more powerful and is a trusted source online.

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