Planet Soho Knowledge Base/General Information/Password


I forgot my password

PlanetSoho Support Team
asked this on April 28, 2011, 12:11

To recover your PlanetSoho password, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit our log in page at
  2. Click on Forgot password?
  3. Enter your email address and click Continue.
  4. Please check your email inbox.
  5. Select the email with the subject line PlanetSoho Password Reset and click the link provided in the body of the email.
  6. Please check your email inbox again.
  7. Select the email with the subject line PlanetSoho New Password.
  8. The new password will be located in the body of the email.
  9. Copy the new password (it is case sensitive) and return to our log in page at .
  10. Enter your email and paste the new password in the password field.
Once you have access to your account again, we recommend that you change your password to something easier to remember. Click here to learn how to change your password.
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