Create and Share Your Storefront

Soho Storefront is a professionally designed online shop that’s already set up. All you need to do is add your items and you’ll be ready to start selling in minutes.

It’s easy to share your Soho Storefront on social media and email the link to your contacts, so you can get the word out right away.

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Manage Your Inventory

Don’t bother tracking your inventory: PlanetSoho will do it for you. Just add the items that you carry and the number of each that you have in stock to the platform. When you attach items to invoices, they’ll automatically be deducted from your stock, so you’ll always know how many you have on hand.

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Sell Online

You don’t need to be a computer expert to sell online—PlanetSoho does the work for you. When visitors want to order from your Soho Storefront, they simply fill out a form with their contact info and the items they want to order. All you have to do is send them the items or perform the requested services.

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More from PlanetSoho

Get easy contact management, online billing with automatic status tracking, a customizable business profile and tons of other benefits when you sign up with PlanetSoho.

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