Press releases are great way to accomplish several things at the same time. You can create brand awareness, distribute company news, and create backlinks to your website to help with search engine optimization (SEO). A good SEO press release will benefit your website by providing powerful backlinks, which will increase your page rank and traffic stats.
When you write a release make sure you use your website’s main keywords inside anchor text links so you get the maximum SEO benefits. Anchor text links tell the search engines that your website is about [insert your keyword], so they provide more SEO value than a raw link.
For example, the phrase “SEO press releases” is one of my main keywords, so I use it inside anchor text links (like the one in this sentence) to tell the search engines that my website is about search-engine-friendly press releases. If I continue to create anchor text links with those words, eventually my website will show up on Google’s first page when someone types the term “SEO press releases” into Google’s search box.
You can get your website to rank on Google’s first page by using your main keywords inside anchor text links every time you publish a press release. You can do it with articles too, but I believe press releases are a little more powerful because of the editorial factor and the high-ranking websites that publish news content.
You can save money by writing and distributing press releases yourself. A lot of Internet marketers routinely write and publish their own content, especially if it’s only for SEO. If you want to outsource it inexpensively, go to and hire a $5-press-release writer. You can also find someone to distribute the release to Google News, so you get more bang for your buck.
If you want to do it yourself, there are a few things you have to look for to make sure you get the best results. The first thing you have to be aware of is that there are a lot of press release distribution services that don’t allow anchor text links. Stay away from those services. If you can’t insert anchor text links in the document, it won’t be an SEO press release, and you’ll be wasting your time and your content.
There are plenty of services that will allow you to use your anchor text links, but be careful not to “overdo” it. A press release shouldn’t contain more than five anchor text links, or it’ll just appear to be spam to the search engines.
In order to get the maximum SEO benefits, you should create your hypertext links to several inner pages on your website. And you want to make sure the page you’re linking to has the keyword on the page, and preferably in the URL too. For example, if one of your keywords is “weight loss,” you want to make sure the page you link to has that term somewhere in the content.
There you have it! An SEO press release can give you a big boost in your page rank by telling the search engines what your site is about. Try not to use more than five anchor text links in a press release, and make sure the pages you link to also have a keyword in the content.
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